As we continue to generate positive vibrational energies in our church, Mary Cat delivered a good sermon on beginnings and endings. She certainly ended on time. The beginning of Advent is near, death and birth are remembered, and new Eagle scouts are applauded. Only two quibbles. First, I always thought Jeremiah was faulting the priests when he chastises the bad shepherds. After all, aren't the priests the ones with responsibility for our souls? Mary Cat seemed to imply that political officials were the bad shepherds. The politicians are just responsible for taxes, national defense and other more earthly cares. Second, is there a bright side to death? This question was answered long ago by Eric Idle in this song. Watch it by clicking on the title (turn on the speakers) or go to:
Review: Beholding the Triune God: The Inseparable Work of Father, Son, and
Spirit By Matthew Y. Emerson and Brandon D. Smith
The recent resurgence of classical Trinitarianism has borne tremendous
fruit in bringing the reality of who God is to bear in the church’s
ministry and pro...
6 hours ago