Sunday, March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday: Looking Forward

 Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. Every church has its own traditions for Palm Sunday services. We usually start with the Liturgy of the Palms done in the narthex outside of the church's nave. Youngsters have to be told to not play with the palm fronds as they are handed out. Following that liturgy, we all process into the church singing, "Hail to the Lord's anointed" because our music machine plays a wrong note in "All glory laud and honor." This little glitch came to my attention as I was preparing the music for Sunday. We are not blessed with a choir or live organist, but our little black box (Hymnal Plus) usually does the job. This time it let me down. I shall have to contact the company that makes the thing, and that is not something that I look forward to...

I was looking forward to singing "All glory laud and honor."

I am really looking forward to Easter.


  1. Katherine10:41 AM

    I like both of those. Do you sing the "Woodbird" tune to "Hail to the Lord's Anointed?" -- Why would a music machine put in a wrong note? Very odd.

    I don't sing these days. I have a very nice, but untrained, soprano. I am usually on key (although I lack perfect pitch). I have a natural vibrato, not learned, which manifests itself usually on holding long notes. My choir director wants the clear boy soprano voice, which I lack, and has told me one too many times publicly to "cut the vibrato!" I am the only person chastised for a volunteer singing voice, so I think it's personal, not really musically-related. I miss singing.

    A blessed and prayerful Holy Week to you. We are especially blessed in our parish since our new (full-time!) rector is joining us this week. God has been good to us.

    1. The tune was "Valet will ich geben". The Episcopal Hymnal 1982 has two versions of the Hymn. The different note came from the different tune. The programmer must have turned the page or went out for tea in the middle of working on it. Surprisingly, we got a quick apology and thank you from him. He promised to send a thumb drive with the correction.
