Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Tenth Anniversary of Not Another Episcopal Church Blog!

First, let me thank all of my followers and weekly visitors for their support over the years. I never expected to have gained so many virtual friends when I started blogging.

This blog was started ten years ago, and you should all remember that this blog is a personal journal of sorts, so here are a few thoughts summarizing my journey thus far.

After the election of the first openly homosexual bishop in the Episcopal church in 2003, conservatives like myself were told, "It is time for the Church to "move on" from debates over human sexuality. I found that a lifetime spent as an Episcopalian had not properly prepared me to formulate an opinion that would allow me to "move on". Neither was I confident enough to condemn the actions of the greater church publicly. For example, my earliest response when asked what I thought was something to the effect of, "This has to be the dumbest thing they have ever done." A little bit later, I progressed to saying something like, "If Gene Robinson really cared for the Church, he would graciously step down and not go through with this."

At that point, I committed myself to a continuing effort at discerning God's will, and the message that I kept hearing was to first do my homework and study, study, study, and only after having agreed to do that should I join in public discourse on Church matters.

For the past ten years, I have studied the Bible alone and in groups. I have studied the heretics of the past and present, theology, and the world's religions. Daily Bible study has become my morning cup of coffee.

Through Bible study, dissection of bad sermons, analysis of lectionary deletions, observation of and participation in the political processes in the Episcopal church, following religious news and speaking to religious leaders, as well as participation in on-line theology and Bible study, battling internet trolls, and getting kicked in the teeth a few times, I have come to a greater appreciation of the need for each and every one of us to do the homework for ourselves while at the same time staying connected to mentors who will correct us when we are wrong and who can direct our further efforts wisely if we are arm ourselves for battle with the real enemy, the one who opposes God's will.

Opposition to God's Word and therefore, God's will, is what I named as the great error of Gene Robinson, an error that has spread throughout the Episcopal church, and ten years later I continue to hold that position, but I also know that I too must daily confront that same temptation. So many Old Testament stories hammer home the point that we are a stiff-necked and rebellious people when it comes to following God's will. Even when His commandments are written in stone, we break them.

What will the next ten years hold? I can bet that the debates over human sexuality will continue and that the Episcopal church in its quest to be relevant will come up with fresh abominations and outrages to draw attention to itself. Whatever happens, do the work needed to sow in your heart and mind a solid foundation, immerse yourself in scripture, prayer, worship, and service to the Lord, and spread the good news that Jesus came to save us from Sin.

And if you don't believe in Sin, keep coming back; we'll work on it.

For the rest of you, raise a glass in a toast!


  1. Cheers! And congratulations on the tenth anniversary of Not Another Episcopal Church Blog. Keep up the good work.

  2. Congratulations! Stand up, stretch, then get back under the pew and back to work!

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Congrats, Congrats, Congrats!


    1. Thanks Jackie. Keep up the good work.
