Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Killing the Patient With Kindness: Trans-sexual Hormonal Treatments

From the Family Research Council  comes this,
"In a study of 5,000 people who identify as transgender, men trying to become women were 80 to 90 percent more likely to have a stroke or heart attack. They also had a higher risk of blood clots from the estrogen. That's an astounding level of risk for anyone, let alone these patients, who are choosing to create an imbalance in their system. 'This is the largest study of the health of transgender individuals on hormone therapy ever done,' one of the authors, Dr. Darios Getahun, told NBC News. 'Doctors and patients need to be aware of the possibility for increased health risks for transgender women.'"
Surprisingly this escaped the NBC News censors.

I sat on this for three months to see if it would gain any traction. It never did, and the "transgender" machine marches on.

There is an old saying in Medicine that by doing some things that your patient desires you may be "killing the patient with kindness".

In Medicine there is an older axiom attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, from "Of the Epidemics" , it goes,
“primum non nocere,”or, "First do no harm." 
And the long forgotten  the Hippocratic Oath which goes like this,
“I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”
Revisionist 20th century physicians like these from Harvard have written in an escape clause,
"The fact is that when difficult, real-time decisions must be made, it’s hard to apply the 'first, do no harm' dictum because estimates of risk and benefit are so uncertain and prone to error."
Uncertainty is one of  revisionists' primary arguments in any of our modern issues, be they medical or theological.

I wonder if physicians are informing their patients and the parents who are seeking these treatments for their children of all of the risks given the lack of research on any benefits gained by taking those risks.

The news media certainly isn't.


  1. I have long wondered whether the estrogen is bad for biological males. And I wonder what testosterone and estrogen suppressants do to biological females. When one uses hormones to counteract one's normal hormonal system, the results may not be good. The same applies, actually, to hormones used for birth control. Long-term, they may have deleterious side effects.

    I consider the use of ANY "transgender" treatments on underage children as child abuse. Let them grow up. Most of them who think they might want to be the other sex will adjust to biological reality when puberty gets going.

    The only exception to "first, do no harm" of which I am aware is chemotherapy and radiation for cancer. I have friends going through this. It's rough and there is often long-term damage, but it is intended to ward off death from the cancer.

    1. Chemotherapy and radiation for cancer are given after a full discussion of the risk/benefit ratio and the informed consent of the patient. I doubt that all the risks and the lack of benefits are being discussed with parents of the children involved nor are they discussed with all of the adult patients of these physicians.

  2. P.S. I noticed that this post is getting one half of the usual internet traffic I get from Google and none of the usual visits from Facebook. I suspect some degree of censorship is going on to bury this story.

    1. It wouldn't surprise me. The tech giants are working hard to suppress conservative information. In this case, this study affects the lives and well-being of patients, but the information is not being given to them.
