Wednesday, July 03, 2019

National Humility Month: Why Not?

Having just endured the seemingly unending news coverage of "Pride Month" and the media's unintended or intended objective to offend as many Christians as possible, it seems reasonable to propose a couple of possible remedies.

I would first propose a month of repentance. This probably would not work very well because our over-sexualized, iand increasingly atheistic culture sees repentance as a religiously based, oppressive concept that hurts people by inhibiting their free expression of their innermost desires.

Instead, I think July as "Humility Month" would be viewed as a good thing in part because most people are not aware of the religious connotations. Parades would not be held during Humility Month, nor would the humble take to the streets in sack cloth and ashes so that people would pay them any attention. No one will "come out" as humble while giving a valedictorian address. Can you imagine seeing modestly dressed movie and pop stars being photographed at public appearances?

If conducted properly, Humility Month would go by unnoticed, with zero media coverage and no credit given to its humble and lowly creator.

Why not?

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