Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mrs. Beamish Was Right!

The one good thing about the corona virus pandemic is that we no longer have to pass the peace during our worship services. For that reason, I bring back the immortal Mrs. Beamish who was the first to warn us of the dangers of passing the peace years ago. Enjoy!

Here are some of the lyrics for those of you who cannot play the video,

"Don't you dare shake hands with me, or offer signs of peace,You lay a finger on me and I'll call for the police.Don't whisper 'Peace be with You,' this is the C of E,so bend the knee, say thou and thee,and keep your hands off me..."

"Don't you dare shake hands with me, I don't know where you've been,You lay a finger on me and you'll feel this tambourine.Don't whisper 'Peace be with You,' this is the C of E,so bend the knee, say thou and thee,and keep your hands off me..."

"Don't you dare shake hands with me, Or turn to me and smile,You'll wake up spitting teeth out, face downwards in the aisle.Don't whisper 'Peace be with You,' this is the C of E,You'll go just one inch too far,You'll end up wearing that guitar,One false step in my direction,You'll need to believe in the resurrection,so bend the knee, say thou and thee,and keep your hands off me."


  1. Katherine12:46 PM

    Hah! Wonderful!

    The right time to make peace with a neighbor you may have offended is BEFORE you go to the church service. The right time to greet each other or to be cordial to newcomers is AFTER the service. DURING the service is the time to focus on God and worship.

  2. Katherine1:05 PM

    I just played this for my husband, and he and I are both laughing hysterically!

  3. I find that there is quite an upsurge in walkers and cyclists in my neighborhood and the local park. That is one good thing.
