Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Out of the Depths

In these days of global pandemic, I am easily keeping my social distance from other humans by virtue of living in the boondocks. Having lived most of my life in the city, surrounded by people, and having been in an occupation which put me on the front lines of the HIVs outbreak, and years of caring for the sick and dying, I can appreciate the efforts everyone is putting into the current corona virus pandemic.

On social media, people are trying to put out encouraging videos, and amusing memes. Few are out there praising God, but I find comfort that God is in control, and just as He brought Israel through darker times than this, He will see most of us through this crisis.

John Rutter's 'Out of the Deep' is his expression of Psalm 130 which is not something you will probably see on your friends Facebook pages. Listen to the Cambridge singers below and you will find that while it starts out dark and moody, in the end it leaves us with an uplifting word, and at the last, we are sent back to pleading to Him from the depths of our despair.

Out of the Deep Have I called unto thee oh Lord, Lord hear my voice.
O let thine ears consider well the voice of my complaint.
If thou Lord would be extreme to mark what is done amiss,
O Lord who may abide it.
For there is mercy with thee
Therefore shalt thou be feared
I look for the Lord
My soul doth wait for him
And in his eyes I trust
My soul pleaded unto the Lord
Before the morning watch I say
Before the morning watch
O Israel trust in the Lord
For in the Lord is mercy,
and in him is plenteous redemption,
and he shall redeem Israel all his sins, of all his sins.
Out of the Deep Have I called unto thee oh Lord Lord hear my voice.

To me, this psalm places me on my knees before my God, a place the world should be right now.

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