Sunday, June 07, 2020

Oh Trinity We Sing To Thee!

Today is Trinity Sunday, and many a preacher will stumble through an explanation of the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Lord knows what the revisionist priest will have to come up with as he/she/it tries to make everything gender neutral or as the feminist priest emasculates the Trinity. It seems that those who struggle most with it are the same ones who cannot appreciate the saving miracle of the Trinity enough to sing its praises.

As a child attending Trinity Episcopal Grammar School, the following was our Alma Mater,
"O Trinity we sing to thee, our love and praises hear and see. Be with us now and always give the strength we need to grow and live. O guide us well and make us free to honor and remember thee."
I cannot praise my old school or its sponsoring church anymore for they have strayed too far from the truth they once claimed to own, but the words of my Alma Mater remain a fitting praise for the Holy Trinity.

No need to sermonize any further.


  1. This is a good day to review the Athanasian Creed. It is one of the 3 creeds included in the ACNA BCP

  2. Katherine7:21 AM

    My rector pointed that out to us, Fr. Dale, although we're using the 1928. At the main service on Trinity Sunday the Athanasian Creed is recited instead of the Nicene.

  3. We missed that at our church.
