Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Roman Catholic Bishops Weigh in on Communion for the President Elect

 Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., is the archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia, and he recently authored a piece at "First Things" titled, "Mr. Biden and the Matter of Scandal". It is less about the President Elect's sins and more about the sins of bishops and priests who provide Holy Eucharist to those in power who work to feed the abortion machine. Archbishop Chaput gives a theological and doctrinal rationale which you can read by following the link above. You can read his conclusion below, 

"When bishops publicly announce their willingness to give Communion to Mr. Biden, without clearly teaching the gravity of his facilitating the evil of abortion (and his approval of same-sex relationships), they do a serious disservice to their brother bishops and their people. The reason is obvious. By his actions during the course of his public life, Mr. Biden has demonstrated that he is not in full communion with the Catholic Church. To his credit, he has championed many causes and issues that do serve the common good. However, many of his actions and words have also supported or smoothed the way for grave moral evils in our public life that have resulted in the destruction of millions of innocent lives. Mr. Biden has said that he will continue to advance those same policies as president, and thus should not receive Holy Communion. His stated intention requires a strong and consistent response from Church leaders and faithful."  

"This is not a 'political' matter, and those who would describe it as such are either ignorant or willfully confusing the issue. This is a matter of bishops’ unique responsibility before the Lord for the integrity of the sacraments. Moreover, there is also the pressing matter of pastoral concern for a man’s salvation. At minimum, every bishop has the duty of privately discussing these vital moral issues and the destructive effect of receiving Communion unworthily with public figures who act contrary to Church teaching. Reception of Communion is not a right but a gift and privilege; and on the subject of 'rights', the believing community has a priority right to the integrity of its belief and practice."

Bishops and priests have been allowing Mr. Biden and other political figures who openly flaunt the Roman Catholic Church's teachings to receive the Eucharist. That brings "scandal" upon the Church. From my experience with the Episcopal organization, when clergy disregard or even deny the historic teachings of the "one holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church" that we claim to believe every Sunday as we recite the Nicene Creed, then the Church has no standing when it comes to any question about the Faith. 

A Church that has lost credibility is a scandal, but revisionists don't seem to care about the destruction of the very thing that they, like parasites, feed upon.  


  1. Archbishop Chaput is right.

  2. Katherine2:47 PM

    Amen to Archbishop Chaput, and to you, UP.

    God has commanded us to do no murder. Redefining children in the womb as "not really human" to permit their deliberate destruction (absent extreme medical necessity) doesn't make God's commandment moot.

    Do Catholic priests, and bishops, believe God's commandments are to be obeyed, or do they not? We already know that TEC bishops and priests (with very few exceptions) do not.

    1. There are some rogue elements in the RC Church who, like their TEo counterparts, feel that abortion is not murder and will not teach their sheep the Roman Church's correct interpretation.

  3. Katherine9:18 PM

    Based on how tamely Catholic laypeople seem to have accepted not receiving communion in dioceses around the country, it seems that many do not understand the basic teachings of their faith. It's a massive failure in catechesis over several decades.
