Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Digital ghosts of your loved ones?


"Imagine your wife died suddenly, and you struggled to cope with the loss. Well, soon you’ll be able to converse with her synthetic ghost, via a chatbot! Microsoft has filed a patent to access 'social data' such as images, social media posts, written letters and so on 'to create or modify a special index in the theme of the specific person’s personality'. This could then be used 'to train a chat bot to converse in the personality of the specific person', while 'a 2D or 3D model of a specific person may be generated' to go with it. 

I don't think this will be a healthy thing especially for people with prolonged or "complicated" grief. 

Also, what age will the ghost appear as?

I asked Pewsterspouse if she wanted a 26 year old digital ghost me or a 65 year old one. 

I didn't get an answer.  


  1. You probably got an answer. I miss half the things my wife tells me.

    1. I think the answer is when I am gone, I had better stay gone.

  2. Katherine2:42 PM

    I recently had a passport photo taken. The age difference in the ten years since the last one is a bit distressing. But my husband claims he sees me just the same as I was. I think I'll keep him.

    1. How nice of him... He's not a politician by any chance. ;-)

    2. Katherine7:37 PM

      Blunt-spoken retired engineering manager, which makes the compliment even more valuable.

    3. If it was from an engineer, it must be accurate, precise, and measured.
