Wednesday, March 10, 2021

When Nothing is Sacred

 In his article, The Suicide of a Civilization, Anthony Esolen paints a grim and depressing picture of what qualities a civilization intent on destroying itself might have. Depressing because these qualities are present in modern Western Civilization. 

"Such a culture would be more preoccupied with death than with life; and this preoccupation might be manifest in a variety of ways. It would promote a right to die on your own terms, but no right to live, rather only a permission to live, provided that you possess certain qualities that people acknowledge as useful or as ushering you into the fold; and what these qualities are and how they shall be recognized will shift with political exigencies and sentiments. Life is no gift, but a mere thing, to be disposed of at will, like garbage. Nothing is sacred—not the body, not the soul, no place, no object, no name, no human persons, no history, no songs, no God."

I think the only sacred thing today is the spirit of the age, and we do not dare going against the zeitgeist, especially the most sacred cow to some, abortion, and the newest idol, transgenderism.

"...They who would crush, dismember, or fry in salt that astonishingly beautiful child in the womb surely will not scruple to invade the haven of a child’s blessed innocence, during the time when his sexual desires are dormant or latent, that long time that boys and girls need to learn who they are and what they are, destined to grow up to be confident husbands and fathers, wives and mothers. Jesus has hard words to say about those who would offend against the little ones, but, since nothing is sacred, the people of a dying culture will be eager to have children join them in corruption and meaningless hedonism, festooned as always with euphemism, like lipstick and false hair on a skull. A horrid drag queen instructing little boys on how to tuck their testicles into their bodies and bind them there—death, boasting of death."

I find the "Drag Queen Story Hour" a perfect example of a culture that is slashing its wrists.

..."The people of a dying culture not only smother their future in the womb. They murder their ancestors too. They look with envy upon the great men of their past, men who, like all men, were imperfect, but who built, and built not just for themselves but for their posterity. They sneer at those great men and enjoy 'debunking' their legends. Nothing is sacred. " 

I think that there will always be something that people hold sacred for which they will create sacraments.

Cancelling history is the new sacrament.

Our sacred history related in the Gospels is in danger of being cancelled as Scotland's hate crime bill threatens to do.

Save us Lord Jesus.





  1. Replies
    1. Holy Farrah Fawcett, Matsonman! That brings back memories.

  2. Katherine11:35 AM

    I waded through that article about the Scottish "hate crimes" bill. They seem to have lost their minds in the UK, even more so than in the US, although we may be headed their way. People are charged with the vague crime of "stirring up hatred." What is "hatred?" It's whatever the most recent trend says it is. Criticism of ideological systems is not hatred. Criticism of religious systems is not hatred. Some religious systems, in fact, if followed strictly, call for hatred of others (as in radical Islam), and yet criticizing that is now defined as "hatred." Mere statements of biological fact with respect to X and Y chromosomes are now defined as "hatred." We're going literally insane.

    We need to return to the place where we can disagree with each other without speech being defined as violence. No, violence is violence. Speech is not.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      And when we can travel again, we'd better be careful how we speak in respective countries. Talking like an American in a pub over there might get one arrested!

  3. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I don't see how even the most liberal parents can let their children participate in the drag queen thing. It is so perverted.
