Wednesday, March 08, 2023

I Hope You R.I.P. Frank Griswold

 The recent death of former Episcopal Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold brings back too many painful memories. Pleasant memories of growing up as an Episcopalian in the 1960's and 70's, learning the liturgy, singing in the youth choir, attending Episcopal schools, and expecting the Church to always be there. 

Then came change. Trial liturgies, the irregular ordinations of women, the 1979 Prayer Book which was supposed to keep young people in the church, the Righter trial, and the consecration of Gene Robinson as the first divorced, openly homosexual Episcopal bishop. That  last one is on Frank Griswold.

Looking at all of the failures of the past 50 years it is impossible to lay all of the blame for the downfall of the Episcopal organization. It is just that Gene Robinson being made a bishop was the straw that broke the camel's back. 

It certainly woke me up.

Maybe the demise of the Episcopal denomination is part of God's plan to wake us up, to rid us of false teachers, and all players involved are part of that plan.

So what happened to Griswold when he died? In the words of St. John Chrysostom,

"I know not if there be many in the priesthood, who are saved, but I know that many more perish.” (Third homily on the Acts of the Apostles)

Jesus can wash away our sins, even the sins of bishops, but priests and bishops are held to a high standard by our Lord. 

Let us hope the best for Frank Griswold.


  1. Katherine3:52 PM

    God's mercy is infinitely greater than mine, which may be a fortunate thing for priests and bishops like Griswold who dedicated their lives to Christ and then led many people away from the Lord. However, we should not forget Christ's harsh words for those who harmed his flock.
