Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Meanwhile in Wales: Don't Say What You Believe Christian

 From The Christian Institute 

A teacher has been dismissed from The Bishop of Llandaff Church in Wales School, in Cardiff, after sharing his beliefs on marriage at a staff training seminar.

During a question and answer session, Ben Dybowski asked if his beliefs – that marriage is between a man and a woman and that life begins at conception – were considered discriminatory.

Despite being told that it was a “safe space and encouraged to speak freely”, he was sacked the following day.

Mr Dybowski called his dismissal an attack on Christianity and “an affront to freedom of speech and freedom of thought”.

He said he never discussed his views with pupils and was always respectful of those with different opinions.

His case has been referred to the Education Workforce Council, which regulates teachers in Wales, but he fears that it may end his teaching career.

The event was organised by Diverse Cymru, which promotes “workforce diversity practice”, “unconscious bias” and “trans, gender identity and gender expression awareness” to teachers.

The seminar was run by its Policy Manager Ele Hicks, who describes herself as a ‘bisexual activist and change champion’.



  1. Katherine1:24 PM

    The UK is no longer Christian and no longer free. Lest we think ourselves better, a Christian expressing similar views in the US will often become suddenly unemployed.

    1. I think that most Christians will keep their mouths shut in these situations. If we all got fired perhaps things would change.

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The Church has become a joke.
