Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Got Religion

 This month we say goodbye to an old friend and resource, the GetReligion blog. I can't say enough good things about those pages that highlighted the religion ghosts in reported news. They helped open a lot of eyes, but probably did little to change the tone of journalism's current residents towards religion. 

For details please read the following two posts,

GetReligion will close on February 2, the 20th anniversary of this blog's birth


Farewell, after 20 years: Why we did what we did

I got religion news from the GetReligion blog. 

Where will we get it now?

1 comment:

  1. Katherine12:56 PM

    The closing of Get Religion is a loss. On the other hand, pointing out how "mainstream journalists" don't "get religion" was becoming a herculean task. So many of them have no information about religion and no interest.

    With Christianity Today going over to the dark side, there is World (wng.org), Lifesite News, and a variety of blogs, which are where I get a lot of news these days anyhow.
