Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Not Another Post About the Drag Last Supper

 The recent opening ceremonies at for the Paris Olympic Games has been characterized as the closing ceremonies for mankind after people witnessed various displays by LGBTQetc non-athletic types and especially the drag queen tableau that had a strange resemblance to the Last Supper of our Lord. 

Much has been written about this, and let me add my two dollar bill. 

My uber liberal Christian friends immediately posted that those who object to the image were too stupid to see that the drag queens were re-creating a bacchanal or a feast for Dionysus. I didn't buy it, but they certainly did. 

My conservative Christian friends posted their outrage.

Myself, I am not surprised that a bunch of Parisian drag queens would pull a stunt like this. Nor am I surprised the news media would televise some of the displays. Should we stand up and tell the world that this was offensive, blasphemous, or outrageous?

Even if they were just posing as worshippers of a Greek or Roman god, then there is still a problem:

“You shall have no other gods beside me."

I think that we first need to pray for these people, both the performers and my uber liberal friends that they see the error of their ways.

Second, we do need to let the world know that God should not be mocked. There is eternal judgement involved here. 

Third, don't watch NBC's broadcast of the Olympics. 

Fourth, we should tell the world that we do not accept such behavior lest those who are weak in faith like my uber liberal friends get dragged down further from the Apostolic faith.


  1. Katherine7:14 PM

    Especially since the organizers of the tableau said it was a Last Supper spoof. Dionysius was just an additional dash of fun. -- Parisian drag queens could do this kind of thing, and probably do, in night clubs and other private venues. This sort of thing in a very public presentation backed by public money is deliberately offensive.

    1. It makes you wonder why some people who consider themselves Christian don't get it.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Don’t worry the episcopal church is ok with it.

    1. They haven't condemned it that's for sure.
