Wednesday, August 07, 2024

In Defense of Israel

Melanie Phillips writes opinion columns for The Times of London, the Jerusalem Post and the Jewish Chronicle. She has an excellent piece on the past 100 years of history in "Palestine" pointing out the legal rights that the Jewish people have to govern the area. You can find it at this link.

The Archbishop of Canterbury got it wrong when he said that Israel has been “denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope” — and that ending its occupation of Palestinian territory is “a legal and moral necessity”. 


  1. I've heard it said (and I tend to agree) that the situation in Isreal will become the most divisive issue for the modern "Church" that we will face.

    We should pray for discernment and steer clear of "Replacement Theology". The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob still has a plan for all of Judah and Isreal. It seems the spiritual battle to make him out to be a liar is gathering steam.

    1. It is hard to understand how someone as smart as Justin Welby could back the wrong team, but such errors have been committed before by Church and will continue to be made until God's plan is revealed.

  2. Katherine8:32 AM

    Your link to Melanie Phillips doesn't work.

    The Archbishop of Canterbury is wrong about so many things.

    1. Thanks, I have fixed it.

    2. Katherine9:34 AM

      Thanks, I just found it. People think if they just keep repeating "illegal occupation" that will make it true -- and so far it's working, unfortunately.
