Wednesday, September 04, 2024

If They Only Knew

 From Evangelical Focus,

People living outside their country of birth represent 3.6% of the world’s overall population. Almost half of identify as Christians.

There are over 280 million people in the world who are migrants, a figure that has grown by 83% in the last three decades.

A new report by Pew Research concludes that 47% of these migrants are Christians, while 29% are Muslim and 13% do not identify with a specific religion.

Christians are an estimated 30% of the whole global population but represent almost half of the migrants in the world. Other faith groups such as Muslims and Jews are also highly represented among the migrant communities. Meanwhile, is it the non-religious who are underrepresented among those who had to leave their home country.

Interestingly, the leading countries of origin for Christian migrants were Mexico (11 million), and Russia (8.9 million).

If the anti-Christian left only knew that the vast majority of those coming into the U.S. through our southern border were Christians, they would put up a wall quicker than they could raise the taxes to pay for it. 


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