Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Bishop and the President

After "Bishop" Budde lectured President Trump and Vice President Vance from the pulpit of the National Cathedral, I have witnessed reactions from many sides. My revisionist friends rejoiced and placed images of the Budde onto their social media posts while my Christian friends posted well reasoned responses to the "Bishop's" lecture like this one from Campbell

"Christians must speak about the conditions which exist in the world, and play our part in shaping society. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us we are salt and light, the salt which prevents corruption and the light which pushes back darkness. We should act from a biblical standpoint, holding the world and its ways up to the bar of God’s judgement, not our own.

The pronouncements of liberal Christians like Bishop Budde make that task more difficult. She makes it easier for unbelievers to dismiss Christian intervention in social affairs as ill-thought-out regurgitation of progressive talking points garnished with a few Christian terms. If Christians are to speak out, we must do the serious and hard work of examining our world from a biblical perspective. Only then will we deserve to be heard."

The President and Vice President probably never thought a "Bishop" would put on such a performance as a "sermon". I was not at all surprised. I remember when Budde was elected, and she behaved exactly as predicted back then.
When I heard her speak I thought, "I've heard this before." 

Indeed I have from many a pulpit, and that is one of the many reasons why I am no longer an Episcopalian. 

I am glad that Budde has gotten so much publicity. She has shown the world what it takes to be an Episcopalian, and what you must believe if you want to join their club. While my die hard Episcopalian friends loved it, I think the majority of Christians saw it as a stark warning to avoid the Episcopal denomination.

1 comment:

  1. Katherine8:07 PM

    Here is a rather sad op-ed by a life-long Episcopalian named Rob Burgess. He agrees with your (and my own) assessment, but calls on Episcopalians of faith to get active and reclaim the church. He's at least two decades too late.
