Sunday, December 28, 2014

I've Got Nothing

Thinking about this the Christmas season makes me thankful for the gift that God gives us. How many of us are thinking "the gift that God gave us" as if that Christmas so long ago were but a dim, fading memory, a legend, a myth, a cute story?

This week some of us accepted the challenge of trying to recall our earliest memories of Christmas at the Stand Firm in Faith web site, and what I found was that our memories all seem to revolve around family, and not around church or any special feeling of being in God's presence.

Christmas may forever face this challenge, the challenge of God's gift being lost among all the other gifts, be they toys, gizmos, socks, sweaters, or the gifts of food and family.

We humans exchange gifts.

God gave himself to us on Christmas.

Can we possibly give Him anything comparable in return?

I am afraid that I've got nothing.


  1. "And here we offer and present unto thee, O Lord, our selves, our souls and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and living sacrifice unto thee..." (HE1, page 336 BCP) This is not an extraordinary sacrifice. It is only reasonable sacrifice.

  2. Not comparable, but the best we can give.
