Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Big Tent Church, or is it a Pup Tent?

H/T Anglican Samizdat for posting on a Canadian Anglican church that has handed its building over to a circus.

"An acrobat dangles from the rafters of a 150-year-old church while a lightshow paints the altar in blue, pink and yellow lights.
Call it a leap of faith.
This was the first show of Le Monastère — the monastery, in English — a circus cabaret show held inside a downtown Montreal church.
Le Monastère has partnered with the Anglican church of St. Jax — and it could be the first agreement of its kind.
'It's been a fantastic joy to see for the first time, we believe, a circus company permanently installed in an active, consecrated church,' said Rev. Graham Singh, incumbent pastor at St. Jax.
With lagging attendance and surging maintenance bills, churches in Quebec and elsewhere have struggled to stay afloat.
Singh's three-year mission with St. Jax has included not only keeping the old, creaky church standing, but also redefining what it is to be a church in a downtown core."
Is this the fate in store for the progressive Church? I am trying to think of worse things that could befall a church, such as selling it to Muslims in order for it to be stripped of its cross and converted into a mosque which is what happened to Matt Kennedy's church back in 2010.

In days gone by, Episcopalians used to claim that they are a "big tent" Church. This was supposed to mean that they embraced a wide variety of theological opinions like those of Bishops Spong and Gene Robinson, and a wide range of practices like solstice worship services, labyrinths, clown eucharists, same sex marriages, and transsexual priests. Their tent was not big enough to accommodate non-revisionists or anyone who opposed the progressive agenda. As a result, the big tent has shrunken to the size of a pup tent as fewer and fewer people are buying tickets for the show.

The Anglican Church of Canada has been in a race to the bottom with the Episcopalians having given up on Biblical norms for many years now.

I may need to make an addition to the Revisionist Dictionary: Revised and Re-visioned Edition.
Church: a place to see clowns and bearded ladies launching untamed theology into empty pews.
So St. Jax hasn't really changed by openly declaring itself to be a circus.

"The ringmaster has altered, but the circus remains the same." -Baron Ashdown


  1. Yup, the Via Media and the Big Tent no longer exist the the Episcopal Church. To para phrase a song from the Musical "1776": To the Left, ever to the Left NEVER to the RIGHT ALWAYS TO the LEFT.

    1. The "Big Tent" was a lie from the get go. Radical exclusion of conservatives was the real goal.

  2. Katherine11:41 AM

    I'd go for the pup tent image, but unfortunately it's a pup tent stuffed with a lot of Trinity Wall St. cash, and media outlets still treat them as a religion rather than a left-wing political pressure group.
