Wednesday, April 10, 2019

"The serpent says we shall be as gods. That is the argument we must defeat."

Over at Public Discourse, Anthony Esolen explains why you can't reason with the "Pro-Choice" crowd. He concludes in "When Reason Does Not Suffice: Why Our Culture Still Accepts Abortion" that our society's worship of autonomy, in particular the pregnant woman's ability to put her desire tp be free from the inconvenience and responsibilities of parenthood by having an abortion, is at the root of the problem,
"Then let the pro-life movement be advised. We are really asking for a moral revolution. If the child lives, the mother’s life will not be the same, because if we accept the principles that allow the child to live, none of our lives can be the same. There is no way to guarantee, as some pro-life people seem to want us to do, a world safe for the unborn child that is also a world of total sexual and economic autonomy. In any world in which autonomy is the highest ideal, the child—that incarnate sign of our dependence and existential poverty—must go. 
The serpent says we shall be as gods. That is the argument we must defeat."
 The serpent's promise is like a bad genie joke.

Man: "Make me a god."
Serpent: "Sure thing."

Poof, man turns into Molech.

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