Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A New Year's Resolution

 At the end of every old year we get a recap of all the news headlines of the past year. I hate those things. In American football there is a teaching that every corner must take to heart, and that is, "Forget the last play on which you got burned, and focus on the next play."

Every new year starts with predictions for what is to come. There is a teaching in football that says, "Don't look ahead to next week, focus on this week, and take 'em one game at a time."

All too often our minds are so full of thoughts of what was and what will be that we lose sight of what is in front of us. Anyone who has rear-ended another vehicle probably knows this to be painfully true.

Jesus tells us that the first and greatest commandment is “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." Is that really possible?

If I am any example of humankind, with my mind full of distractions, then I don't think any of us can Love Him with all of our hearts, souls, and minds all of the time.

Thank God for his saving grace because we just can't do it by ourselves.

We need a Savior, and he is there for us.

This year let us resolve to pray and to give thanks each day as best we can.