Wednesday, November 18, 2020

That's One Way to Escape a Lockdown

Over in England, they have effectively shutdown the country for the month of November. Elective medical procedures must be postponed, unless you want to go to a suicide clinic.

From Ann Farmer at The Conservative Woman comes this report, 

"Health Secretary Matt Hancock has confirmed that people may break lockdown to travel abroad for assisted dying, saying that flying to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland would be considered a ‘reasonable excuse’...

...Even if Covid health policy was initially made on the hoof, it is now reprehensible to take such decisions in full knowledge of what they could be covering up. Most bizarrely, Matt Hancock’s decision was made for ‘health’ reasons, and indeed travelling abroad to die could be justified on health grounds, given that those who do so will no longer be ill, because they will no longer be alive. It is argued that such people are ‘going to die anyway’ – now that will be guaranteed. And the Government will be off the hook, having given those suffering under lockdown the false freedom of death."

 I could see this happening in the U.S.A. if we suffer from another government imposed lockdown.

One commenter did see a loophole that might give us a chance to escape a lockdown, 

"Someone could say they’re going off to kill themselves, have a bit of a holiday, then come back claiming that the discussion had made them change their mind."

We would probably get caught because our round trip ticket would be a dead giveaway as to our plan. 


  1. One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.

  2. Katherine8:24 PM

    Every time I think we've reached rock bottom, something even more horrible emerges.

    Besides the crazy people in the ruling class, it's been very disappointing to see ordinary people knuckle under so easily. Freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Those don't matter nearly as much as the paralyzing fear of the virus, which is only one of many things that might kill us, and among those, not at all the most likely.

    1. Hi Katherine,
      I once asked Bishop Schofield if he was worried about his weight. He laughed and said, "Heck, I've got 10 different things that could kill me."

    2. Katherine8:15 PM

      A couple of months ago, Mollie Hemingway made a spot-on observation on Twitter. She observed that so many people who lack Christian faith (or any faith) were paralyzed by a "crippling fear of death." This may be one more effect of the failure of the churches to teach the faith.
