Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Robot Priests?

Last year for a couple of months our church held online services. We still live stream one Sunday service a week, and we started Zoom Bible Study for those of us who live far away from the church building. 

The world is getting used to on-line meetings and there have even been Zoom weddings

As we live more and more on-line, more of us may find ourselves fooled by, or replaced by artificial intelligence (A.I.) masquerading as a real person. 

In a survey done for a television show in the U.K. about A.I. people were asked if they would be okay with a computerized priest.

Premier Christian News reported, 

"A quarter of UK adults say they would be comfortable taking spiritual advice from an artificial intelligence priest.

The findings of a survey conducted by ComRes on behalf of Premier's The Big Conversation have been released ahead of the second episode of the new series."

I understand that in some cases an A.I. priest might be an improvement over one's current priest, but several questions come to mind. 

  • Would A.I. priest be Orthodox?
  • Would A.I. priest be ordained by the laying on of hands in apostolic succession?
  • Would A.I. priest have been baptized without shorting out? 
  • Would A.I. priest identify as having a gender?

Some day we will all be replaced by machines.



  1. "Some day we will all be replaced by machines." Will that make us an extinct species?

    1. Yes, and the A.I. archbishop will ask all A.I. priests to confess for the sin of their predecessors for doing us in.

  2. Katherine6:09 PM

    Okay, you made me laugh out loud with the vision of an AI priest shorting out during baptism!

    Jesus was a person. A human being, like you and me, and God at the same time. The idea of a non-human taking the place of God Incarnate is, well, blasphemous.
