Wednesday, April 21, 2021

White Supremacists In The Episcopal Organization?


The Episcopal organizations office of Government Relations sent out this crazy survey last week. If you read between the lines, it offers a glimpse into the worldview of those in the upper echelons of the denomination, 

The office of Government Relations is seeking information on perceptions and existing initiatives within The Episcopal Church on deradicalization, and we ask you to help us by filling out this brief, confidential survey. 

Executive Council asked the Office of Government Relations and the Office for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations to consult with ecumenical and interfaith partners, Anglican Communion partners, and other departments on the church-wide staff to develop a plan for The Episcopal Church’s holistic response to Christian nationalism and violent white supremacy and report its progress to the next meeting of Executive Council. Information gathered from your responses here will help guide this work beyond this particular report.

Thank you for your input!

  1. How concerned are you about white power movements and/or Christian nationalism in our nation and in our Church?
  2. How prevalent do you think white supremacy and white power movements are in The Episcopal Church?
  3. Have you or your community taken action as part of racial reconciliation work to address violent white supremacy and white power movements?
  4. What do you see as the Episcopal Church's role in addressing far-right radicalization.
  5. Do you feel that white power or Christian nationalist ideologies exist within your home parish or church office? If yes, please explain in broad terms (no personally identifying information).
  6. Do you see white supremacy evident in your community or in other churches? If yes, please explain in broad terms (no personally identifying information).
  7. What more could your church, community, or The Episcopal Church and other Christians do to address violent white supremacy and radicalization in our pews and communities?”
  8. If you have an example of ways that your parish/community has addressed white supremacy or Christian nationalism, and you would be willing to share, please enter you email below.
To questions 4 and 7, I responded, 

"The Church should preach the Gospel and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That should take care of far-right radicalization."

 I am confident that this survey will not find any white supremacy or Christian nationalist presence in the Episcopal organization. 

What were they thinking?


  1. The survey is only a PR move.

    1. Virtue signaling, that’s what it is.

    2. Katherine8:07 PM

      Got that right, Pewster, and pretty pathetic virtue signaling, at that.

      To have "Christian nationalism" in the Episcopal Organization, first they'd have to be Christian. Those days are gone.

    3. Yes, I saw that too, but I didn’t want to trigger any Episcopalians who might read this blog. They are very sensitive to the Episcopal Christian oxymoron.

    4. Katherine8:44 AM

      I do feel sorry for believers still caught in their old churches. For some, age or other factors may make it hard to leave. There may be an early service which is still moderately traditional to which they cling. And they don't want to believe what's really happening.
