Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Barna: Nearly 40% of adults 18-24, identify as “LGBTQ”

The only way for the LGBTQ+ to grow their species is through conversion, and the most easily converted are those shapeless lumps of clay, our children. It is no secret that the LGBTQ+ agenda is being forced upon children by the combined forces of our public school systems, film and television, the internet, businesses, and the "woke" wave currently inundating our society. 

The results of all of this brainwashing is documented by a Barna study which revealed that "some 30% of millennials, including nearly 40% of adults 18-24, identify as 'LGBTQ'.” 

The story was reported by Leonardo Blair of The Christian Post

While most millennials view Jesus and the Bible positively and 65% still identify as Christian, many do not embrace a biblical worldview on sexuality, the sanctity of life and other issues. Some 30% of millennials, including nearly 40% of adults 18-24, identify as “LGBTQ.”

“The proportion of young adults who identify as LGBTQ is roughly three times the proportion identified among the combined older adults of the nation. Given the moral and political implications of such an identity, that self-characterization alone raises a range of emotional challenges,” Barna said.

These numbers seem to indicate that a method of nurture created by a few activists has conquered nature because we are by nature inclined to find a mate of the opposite sex and reproduce. Nurture has defeated God's intention. Nurturing with ungodly intentions has defeated the teachings of the Bible. 

The 62-page report on millennials provides a detailed profile of a generation that is troubled and searching for answers to their problems, while “disengaged from spiritual teaching and practice, resulting in a paucity of knowledge, understanding, experience, and growth in this realm.”

“The resultant spiritual illiteracy virtually resigns them to a superficial worldview in which they grasp at ideas and practices that provide immediate comfort rather than lasting truth and peace. The moral chaos that characterizes the generation can likewise be traced to a dearth of coherent and pragmatic religious instruction abetted by the absence of mature moral reflection,” Barna said.

While I suspect that this is a temporary situation, and that "nature" will eventually triumph. God only knows how long that will take.

Following Jesus is the only way these confused young people can escape the trap that the LGBTQ+ movement has pushed them into.

Jesus is not taught in public schools. He is shunned and disdained in many universities. 

No wonder we are in such a mess.  

1 comment:

  1. Katherine2:39 PM

    This is social-media induced hysteria. We can hope that many of these will regain their connection to reality.
