Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Giving Thanks

This year as I make the ever treacherous drive to the in-laws' house for Thanksgiving Day, I will be concentrating first on the traffic and second on all the things we have for which we are thankful. I   must thank God not only for the "good" things (good in my mind), but also to thank Him for the things I considered to be "bad" at the time. With God's help I got through those times, and with His help I will get through them when they come around again. That is the hope Christians carry as they encounter the joys and sorrows of this life, a hope that non-Christians can't understand. Our sadness for them should motivate us to explain why we have hope. 

Lord will give me the words when that time comes. 


  1. Katherine7:38 PM

    Many blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving. Let us give God thanks for our creation, preservation, and for all the blessings of this life.

    1. I hope you had a blessed day as well. It did take 7 hours to make a 5 hour drive on Wednesday and the dog threw up on the protective seat cover. God was giving me a lesson in patience.
