Wednesday, February 01, 2023

There Won't Always be a Church of England

 I am sure that everyone has heard that the Church of England (CofE) will probably approve blessings of same sex couples in the very near future. We all knew this was coming, issued warnings, but the die was cast. There is nothing left to do except wait for the next shoe to drop.

This is the same slope that the Episcopal organization went down a few years ago. In time the Church of England will be disenfranchised, split asunder, one group will perform same-sex marriages, and the other will try to remain orthodox in belief and practice. 

From henceforth I shall refer to the CofE as the "Wayward Sect in England". 

Pray for the faithful in England who will be faced with the same choices that we had in the United States. 


  1. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Katherine1:53 PM
    Some will fight the good fight, but they will eventually have to leave or accept apostasy, as did Episcopalians. It started with the ordination of women to the priesthood, and spread from there. When you ignore one scriptural standard, ignoring others becomes easier. The "Church" of England is already endorsing transgenderism, as are formerly Christian organizations here.

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    The Church of England will soon be replaced with Islam. People don’t want change and Islam doesn’t change.

    1. Christianity does not change, but as the Bible warns us, false teachers will arise. As for Islam, which sect doesn't change, Sunni, Shi'a, Ahmadiyya, Ibadi, or Sufism?
