Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Proof of the Slippery Slope Theory of Euthanasia?

Call it what you will, the camel's nose under the tent, slouching to Gomorrah, the slippery slope, but in Canada the "euthanasia" movement is moving less like a camel or a glacier and more like a landslide, and this movement is dragging Canada's youth with it.


(LifeSiteNews) — In a society unmoored from moral absolutes, law frequently becomes a moral teacher. That is why we have seen practices and behaviors once opposed by solid majorities become accepted by equally large majorities almost overnight — because once the stigma of criminalization or legal restriction was removed, the public promptly adopted a new position. We are seeing this unfold in profoundly chilling ways with assisted suicide, which was legalized in Canada in 2016.

According to a new survey done by Research Co. between April 22 and 24 among 1,000 adults, Canadian attitudes toward assisted suicide are expanding with the boundaries of our euthanasia regime. Consider a few significant numbers.

27% believe that people should have access to euthanasia because they are poor — a number that rises to 41% among the 18 to 34 age group. A full 28% believe that Canadians should have access to euthanasia for homelessness...

It is important to note, despite a conveyor belt of horror stories about the poor applying for assisted suicide, Canadians have clearly not been hearing what they are saying. They don’t want to die — they want to be able to live, as one MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying, UGP) applicant Les Landry told me...

The most chilling statistic, however, is the fact that 50% of Canadians support euthanasia for the disabled — a number that rises to 60% among the 18 to 34 age group...

Support is growing for the Liberal government’s plan to extent assisted suicide to the mentally ill as well. While a majority of Canadians still opposes the expansion — only 43% of respondents supported assisted suicide for those with mental illness — only 22% “strongly disagreed.” 

...As historian Tom Holland noted in response to this poll: “Now, this really IS post-Christian.

So, "Medical Assistance in Dying" is morphing into socially acceptable "mercy killing" as predicted here and elsewhere. I have always said that physicians should play no role in this business, and should stand in opposition from a medical standpoint as there are better ways to relieve suffering. 

From a Christian viewpoint, care for those who are suffering is our duty. 

In a non-Christian society, there is no moral basis upon which people can make such judgements, so as in Judges 21:25,

"every man did that which was right in his own eyes"

And how well does that usually work out? 



  1. Katherine2:23 PM

    50% support killing the disabled, and 43% support killing the mentally ill -- and that category is subject to redefinition based on current ideas about what that encompasses. These are horrifying numbers.

    1. It is horrifying that so few are horrified.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Thou shalt not kill. Liberalism becomes socialism becomes communism.
