Wednesday, August 09, 2023

State Sponsored Child Abuse

What is a public school supposed to do? When I was growing up, we learned reading, writing, and arithmetic in grades K-2. My parents sent me to private schools after that because they saw the writing on the wall. While my father complained about the price, the education I received was priceless. Our sex education came from our parents and peers, not from school. My eldest sibling was in a magnet public school in the late 60's and got a classical education. There is no comparison between our experiences and what is taught now. 

Back in 1923, J. Gresham Machen in his "Christianity and Liberalism" predicted our current problem with public education.

“A public-school system, if it means the providing of free education for those who desire it, is a noteworthy and beneficent achievement of modern times; but when once it becomes monopolistic it is the most perfect instrument for tyranny which has yet been devised. Freedom of thought in the middle ages was combated by the Inquisition, but the modern method is far more effective.’ (1923)”

Tyranny is the word, and what do tyrants do? They take your children as Samuel predicted and turn them into instruments of the tyrant. 

Our most recent  tyrants are the LGBTQRS+ social warriors.  

For example, from LifeSiteNews,

SEATTLE (LifeSiteNews) — Seattle public schools are giving cross-sex hormones and referrals for mutilating surgeries to teenagers, according to a recent report by a conservative parents’ group. 

Last week, Parents Defending Education released an investigative report that exposed the School Based Health Centers within the Seattle Public School system for doling out cross-sex hormones and referrals for so-called “sex change” surgeries to middle and high school students, free of charge. 

The group specifically unveiled information about Nova High School and Meany Middle School, both located in Seattle. Both institutions’ health centers are operated by the Country Doctor Community Health Centers healthcare organization, which boasts that part of its mission is “to promote health in transgender, non-binary and gender diverse [sic] communities through ensuring equal access to gender-affirming [sic] medications and procedures, and training staff to be trauma-informed and culturally responsive.” 

“Our staff work[s] hard to address every patient with correct names and pronouns,” the organization’s website reads, explaining that different staff members “assist patients seeking gender-affirming [sic] surgeries and procedures” and “provides injection teaching and assists accessing hormones and other gender-affirming [sic] medications.” 

Estrogen, testosterone, and androgen blockers are listed as medications given to gender-confused individuals, including adolescents, along with “specialty referrals for younger patients.”

The site states that “we do not provide puberty blockers at this time.” 

Additionally, the organization gives referrals for surgeries, such as vaginoplasty and chest reconstruction, and “assistance obtaining mental health letters of support” for the irreversible, mutilating procedures.  

The group also advertises birth control as part of its “family planning” services. Nova High School presents a so-called “progress pride flag” on its health center website and lists “gender affirming care” and “reproductive health” as among its services. Meany Middle School includes “gender reaffirming care” and “reproductive care management” as services advertised on its website. Both schools emphasize that the health centers will not only bill insurance companies but will also assist students whose families do not have insurance. 

Additionally, the district’s policy states that “staff should not disclose a student’s transgender [sic] or gender X status to others unless (1) legally required to do so or (2) the student has authorized disclosure.” When “contacting the parents/guardians of a transgender [sic] or gender X student and it is unclear whether the student asserts the same gender identity at home,” the district recommends staff “to avoid using gender pronouns.” 

I call that state sponsored child abuse. 


  1. Katherine10:51 AM

    You call it correctly. How have so many people been persuaded to accept lunacy and child abuse so quickly?

    1. I think this is done by creating the myth of a harmless persecuted minority, in this case the trans crowd, and then playing your song to sympathetic ears. Our school system has created plenty of uncritical sympathizers.
