Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Episcopal News Service Site Deemed Dangerous by Norton

 The other day I heard that the Episcopal Organization was going make disciplinary charges against its bishops more transparent. I thought the Episcopal News Service had the report so I tried to go to that site, but my Norton anti-virus program blocked me with the following warning, 


This site contains deceptive content

Web Shield has detected a variety of phishing items on that might attempt to trick you into installing harmful software on your computer and revealing your sensitive personal information, such as passwords, bank account information, etc.

 How true.

If you want to see who is under investigation right now, go to the Episcopal Organization's pages here.

This is the current list,

PB Curry huh?

Poor Bishop Howard, his Title IV complaint alleged discrimination against LGBTQ clergy. 

I wish I had filed Title IV complaints about my former Episcopal bishop for failure to guard the faith after he decided to allow same-sex blessings just to see how quickly my complaint would have been squashed in comparison to how seriously complaints from LGBTQ clergy are taken.


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Interesting group. I actually have met two of them (Curry, Chandler) and have had questions about the orthodoxy of both. I have no information about the charges against them, though. In today's Episcopal organization, a failure to teach the apostolic faith wouldn't bring charges.

  2. Katherine12:30 PM

    Oops. The previous comment was me.

  3. Katherine4:33 PM

    Oh, and the bit about ENS being labeled "deceptive content" is hilarious! So true!
