Wednesday, June 19, 2024

On Wedding Photography

 As Pewsterspouse and I approach our 43rd year of marital bliss, I came across an article in the Guardian about modern day wedding photographers and how complicated things have become for them. It seems that some are upset that vicars tell them not to intrude during the marriage ceremony while at the same time young couples are demanding increased documentation and stylized shots. The poor photographers have to spend much more time filming everything, and they have to compete with the ubiquitous cell phone cameras wielded by wedding guests. 

Forty three years ago our wedding photographer was permitted to take one shot during the ceremony from a balcony, with no flash, and no shutter noise. Father Comfort (yes that was his name) insisted also that any intoxicated bridesmaids would be sent out. 

This was the shot,

I believe the absence of the photographer made the ceremony more God centered rather than us centered. I am not so sure that today's couples care to keep God in the center of their marriage.
Of course, there were the usual pictures taken before and after the ceremony that we had to choose to go in our wedding album (which currently lies undisturbed on a shelf in an outbuilding), but  this was nothing compared to the thousands of images and videos taken at today's weddings. 

I have attended several weddings recently none of which were held in a church, and I think it is an indication of our society's walk away from God.

It takes God and the Church to bind two as one and to keep them together, not pictures.



  1. Katherine1:02 PM

    Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary! We just passed our 53rd.

    Weddings now seem to be viewed as video production events rather than the beautiful beginning of a lifetime lived together.
