Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Resisting Pride

This Pride Month craziness has many businesses waving the rainbow flag in hopes this will protect them from retaliation by those marching through the streets. Where in history have we seen that before? 

Is resistance futile?

For many years I have supported a certain non-profit organization that serves both North and South Carolina, and more recently I have served on its Board of Directors. In order to secure grant money from large corporations it became necessary a couple of years ago to demonstrate that the non-profit had a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy (DEI), and that the organization could demonstrate that its governing board and employees were representative of the diversity of the population being served. Board members had to endure DEI training one morning which was for me a waste of time and money as I have been the minority partner a large part of my working life. I am all for diversity, but the equity and inclusion bits are coded messages that open the door for what happens next. 

Now the non-profit's web page features its DEI program in rainbow colors, and its social media pages proudly wave the LGBTQietc flag in support of "Pride Month". I notified the CEO that the organization had strayed from its primary mission. I suspect an employee posted these without the knowledge of the part time CEO placing the CEO in a bind: take the post down and incur the wrath of the LGBTQietc police and potentially lose big corporate donors, or support it and maybe lose a board member.

Needless to say, the CEO's response was in full support of the social media messaging. 

After consulting with Pewsterspouse and my priest, I made my decision.

Scratch one board member. 

As I explained to the Chairman of the Board, Pewsterspouse and I can no longer support an organization that steps outside of its primary mission statement and starts to advocate for those who push for puberty blockers for children, genital mutilating surgeries, and all of the other harmful and shameful things that "Pride" represents. 

I'm outta there. 


  1. Katherine1:07 PM

    Bravo! We cannot remain quiet and cooperate with evil.

  2. Sometimes you have to "shake the dust off your feet", unfortunately. But if you abide in his word, you have to believe all of it.

    Well done, in my opinion.

    1. I have seen how the other half live (not believing), and wonder if they will ever listen. I pray that Jesus will unstop their ears.

  3. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

    The "powers" that decieve are very convincing. We best understand that those powers are very much real and at work...

    Let us never forget, we are tasked with spreading the Solution...not solving the problem. All you can do is tell them...
