Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Jesus and his two dads

Cameron Esposito posted the following picture on Twitter of a gay nativity scene,

I am not at all surprised that this kind of thing is displayed, posted, and praised given the drift of society over the past several decades. I can only imagine the outrage that would have occurred if this nativity showed up on my neighbor's yard when I was a child.

Nor was I surprised when I read the comments on Twitter about the picture. One had the nerve to post,
"The Bible says that Jesus had two dads. I see nothing wrong with this."
These people do not realize that they are mocking God, and history tells me that is not a good idea. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    This stuff is dumb. My church has gone full on gay and self help women preachers. No wonder Islam is growing.
