Wednesday, December 04, 2019

R.I.P. St. Louie, Louie, Louie, Louie, Lou-I Crew

This week I got the news that Louie Crew was dead. "Who was he?", you ask. He was one of the powers behind the Episcopal gay revolution that brought down the denomination. The fact that most pewsitters never heard of him was one of the reasons for his success. Bishops, priests, and many deacons knew him as did many General Conventioneers, a modus operandi which was crucial in getting the gay agenda pushed forward legislatively. The people in the pews were not his target because they could be counted on to follow their shepherds off any cliff as long as the parish church lights stayed on and the roof didn't leak too badly.

The Episcopal News has their version of Louie's bio in which they make it clear to this reader that Louie is well on his way to Episcopalian sainthood with reports like this,
"On social media, Crew was remembered as 'a holy troublemaker,' 'a great light,' 'giant of justice' and a 'gift to the church.'”
A gift that revisionist clergy couldn't turn down.

I had but one run in with him when I challenged his take Galatians 3.
"Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed. Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian..."
These verses have been used by revisionists to justify Sin and to cast their favorite sins as works of the Holy Spirit. To them, the sexual morality codes found in the Bible are a prison. "We are no longer subject to a disciplinarian" is the perfect excuse to push the gay agenda.

Louie Crew at his site, "Queer Eye for the Lectionary" looked at Galatians 3:25 and fell right into the trap.
"The church violates the Saint’s claim if it requires lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and the transgendered to live under the law no longer required of hetero Christians."
The queer eye reads things the way the queer heart desires things to be.

Maybe the Episcopal church would have gone under the spell of the LGBTQetc movement without a Louie Crew, but since he decided to take on the job of destroying the denomination, he deserves his share of the blame, and all of us in the pews deserve the blame for letting him go unnoticed.


  1. Katherine8:23 AM

    Oh, I knew who he was. I am not inclined to say "Rest in peace," because he was instrumental in destroying my church. God's mercy is great, and I cannot presume to say whether Louie is now repentant and received. If it were left to me, I would say no. May God forgive me my sins as well.

  2. Katherine9:04 AM

    Greg Griffith, at Stand Firm, has a much more forgiving view than I do, but then, he knew Louie personally and found that, in person, he had a "disarming charm." I never met him and can only reflect on what his leadership did to the church.

    1. I had read Greg's post, and I think he was a good sport about losing the war to Louie Crew.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I didn't know that standfirm was back. Last I looked, the site generated an error. Thanks for the info.
