Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Male Inmates in Women's Prison: What could possibly go wrong?

Thanks to laws in California that allow people who change their gender (a feat that only requires a verbal statement) to be housed in the prison of their preferred pronoun,  200 male inmates have requested transfers to women's prison, and the transfers have already begun.

The story was in The Christian Post

Writing in the Santa Monica Observer earlier this month, Amber Jackson, who is incarcerated, asserted in an op-ed that what supporters of the bill allowing men to be housed with women under the banner of “gender identity” thought would never happen did happen almost immediately after the policy was implemented.

“The one man I saw up close looked unhealthy and possibly diseased. I have little doubt these transwomen are positive for communicable diseases. Very little. This is a disgusting time to be in prison,” she said.

An update to Jackson’s July 10 op-ed claims that three out of the four trans-identifying men that she wrote about are HIV-positive, according to a CIW officer. The department’s push to distribute condoms to the prison population for the purposes of avoiding liability was too late. 

“The condoms were not yet available when the sex began even though CDCR knew these three transwomen had HIV, and it was possible to spread through sexual intercourse. Most of the population does not know this as it is protected by Federal HIPPA [sic] legislation,” the update read.

In 2015, access to condoms became law in the Golden State. It was the second state in the nation, after Vermont, to allow all state prisoners to have access to condoms even though sex between prisoners is unlawful. 

Jackson wrote Tuesday, again in the Santa Monica Observer, that female inmates have become “prey for men.”

“What kind of human being would intentionally cause harm by placing a number [of] HIV-infected, anatomically male prisoners among the female prisoners?” she asked, adding that the general public is not aware that this is happening.

She continued: “Nobody is making this known. Nobody cares about us. We are in danger here. Make no mistake. Prison rape is nothing new. However, until now, there were never live males with full male anatomy sharing showers with us in a group shower room. We have male officers who have to announce their presence when they even walk down the hall! In case we're undressed! Yet, now men can share our showers.”

“Call yourself a 'woman' all you want. But when you have man, with a penis, that works as it was designed to do, that's a problem in a women's prison group shower room. That's a problem.”

They say that when they made the state, they tilted America to the left, so that all the nuts would roll downhill and wind up in California.

I think the only way California can fix this is to build two new classes of prison. One for males who claim to be female, and another for the reverse situation. 

But then they would have to make prisons for all twelve genders. The ones for the "gender fluid" and the "gender expansive" would be the most problematic. 

Where will this madness stop?



  1. Punishment on top of punishment.

    1. Katherine9:00 AM

      Yup. Women who have been convicted of some crime are sentenced to prison, and are now also being sentenced to rape and abuse from fellow prisoners who are male, not female. Prison rape is already a scandal; this makes it even worse, and intentional.

    2. They might have a case if the claim cruel and unusual punishment.

    3. This may be a potential get out of jail free card.

  2. Katherine5:51 PM

    Apparently condoms are being distributed in what are nominally women's prisons in California, and one female prisoner is reportedly pregnant. No word on whether the activity was consensual.
