Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Vatican Clarification: a 15 second Blessing is not heretical

Following up on Pope Francis clearing the way for same-sex blessings, the Vatican posted a clarification. 

From Premier Christian News,

 The Vatican's doctrinal office released a five-page statement emphasizing the brevity of the blessings, lasting around 10 to 15 seconds, with a focus on seeking peace, health, and other positive outcomes for the couple. 

The clarification stressed that allowing priests to perform such blessings is neither heretical nor contradictory to the Church's traditions.

Acknowledging the varying attitudes towards homosexuality globally, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith emphasized the need for "pastoral prudence." It recognized that in countries where laws criminalize homosexuality, openly blessing gay couples could lead to persecution, imprisonment, or even threats to life.

This pig still does not fly. 

Faithful Roman Catholics should fly.  



  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Many, many Anglicans in parts of the world where Christians are persecuted pointed out, over and over, that western approval of homosexual relationships would put persecuted Christians in danger. They were ignored. The same applies to Catholics in these parts of the world. Either they are threatened by Muslims or their Christian message is muddied in cultures like sub-Saharan Africa where same-sex activity is not accepted.

    Surely the Vatican ought to be able to see that this "15-second" defense is pathetic.

    1. Yes, it adds fuel to the persecutorial fire especially in Africa and southeast Asia.
