Wednesday, May 15, 2024

United Methodists Put Final Nails in the Coffin

The news from the recent gathering of the United Methodists (UMC) in Charlotte should provide more than enough nails to close the UMC's coffin.

First, from The Christian Post,

UMC drops decades-old ban on ordaining LGBT clergy without debate

On Tuesday, as part of another consent calendar, delegates voted 667-54 to remove the Book of Discipline's ban on funding LGBT advocacy groups and mandatory punishments for clergy who blessed same-sex unions.

The have been ordaining LGBT's for years, they are just making it official. They have been blessing same-sex unions as well. Orthodox African Methodists are going to leave the UMC en-masse.

And, to add lead weights to the coffin, the UMC decided this

Delegates to the United Methodist General Conference approved full communion with the Episcopal Church on April 30. The agreement needs the approval of the Episcopalians before going into effect.

If the Episcopalian Church affirms the agreement, which might not happen until meetings scheduled for 2027, it will mean that the two denominations recognize each other as “one, holy, catholic and apostolic church in which the Gospel is rightly preached and taught.”

Neither organization is a holy, catholic, or apostolic church in which the Gospel is rightly preached and taught anymore. 

Too bad that so many people are fooled into believing otherwise.



  1. Katherine11:31 AM

    I warned some ELCA friends years ago that they ought not to be "in communion" with TEC. turns out the ELCA is just as bad, and my friends approve. Now the Methodists are gone.

    1. I once called it "denominoes", how one topples the next and so on.
