Wednesday, May 29, 2024

When Popes Offend, Bishops Laugh

How should a Pope comment about homosexuality in his seminaries without offending anyone? Probably not in the way that he did it, 

from Religion Media Centre:

The Italian newspaper La Republica has reported that the Pope told a group of Italian bishops that there is “too much frociaggine (faggotry)” among those training for the priesthood.

The report is of a closed-door meeting from a week ago during a discussion on admitting gay men to seminaries. Corriere della Sera, Italy’s bestselling daily, confirmed the report and said bishops were incredulous, believing he was unaware of the offensive meaning of the word.

And from CNN (which could not print the word "faggotry" and instead wrote “f*****ry").  

The Corriere della Sera newspaper stated that the Argentine pope, who speaks Italian as a second language, may not have been aware of how offensive his language was, adding that the remark was greeted with incredulous laughter by the bishops.

 How do the know that the laughter was incredulous? It might have been giggling, chuckling, rolling on the floor laughing out loud. For all we know, only the homosexual bishops were offended. I suspect one of them leaked the conversation to the press.




  1. Katherine8:43 AM

    The non-gay bishops probably laughed because they know it's true.
